
Week of miracles baby!
Starting of with my favorite:
Remember one of the miracles from last week? Where we had the prompting to ask someone to be baptized? Well, he stopped responding to us for a hot minute so one day we just decided to go by and visit him. It wasn't in the schedule but we were in the neighborhood and said to ourselves, "Let's go visit him." So, we did. We pull up and knock on the door. A kid answers. We ask if his mom is home. We had talked to the mom on the phone beforehand which was kinda nice. She told us to hold for a minute. Next thing we know, they are inviting us inside! We met the mother and father of our friend. We had a good study. . . The dad is a little hesitant on having his son meet with us, due to different things that he has heard, seen, and read. They told us about a video they watched and Elder Giuffra and I couldn't help but laugh. We have seen the video before and it is apparently what Mormons believe in. It's hilarious. Anyway, we had to clarify a few things. The father was very nice but just concerned. So we finally said to all three of them that they don't have to take our word for anything we say. We don't want them to. The only one who can give you the knowledge you are searching for is the man upstairs. They completely agreed. So we invited them to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it is true. We set up a time to meet with them on Saturday morning. We text them throughout the week and find out that only the dad will be able to come. We were a bit nervous at first because we thought he was just going to dog on us without letting us barely speak. Saturday morning rolls around and we have a study at the church. Wow. It was amazing. It was seriously a different person that we were talking to. He told us that as he was doing more and more studying, he realized that there is a lot of misinformation on our church. It was super cool to see the complete change of heart that he had! The member we had in on the lesson was so clutch! He was awesome! We invited him to come to church and he CAME! He was a little late but THAT'S A-OK! HE CAME!! It was so cool to see him there. We had a lot of members come up and talk to him. He also stayed for 2nd hour. It was so awesome. We will be meeting with him on Saturday again! I am so excited.
We have been meeting with our super cool friend Terrell! Well we technically have only met in person for a lesson once. After she came to church on Sunday last week she invited us over for dinner on Thursday. We marked it off on the calendar and were excited to go! Elder Giuffra and I made a whole day out of it. We went out to the very corner of our area. A place named Rosebud. It was fun! We had a couple of records for people who lived out there. We visited them all. Some fake addresses, some people not even answering. It was wild. We did talk to a few people who were a little interested. We then drove over t0 Terrell's home. We got to meet her husband Chris and one of their daughters. It was a really fun time. We just talked, had dinner, and showed the Ask of God video. It was super cool. We wished we had more time to talk to them but it was 8:30 and we had to get going. They are an awesome family and have so much potential. We tried to stop by Greens as we were heading up to Rosebud. So we walk on in and tell them what we are there for. They ran out of kolaches!! It was ridiculous!!
We had interviews with President Carter this week! It was so so awesome! Both President and Sister Carter came. Sister Carter would talk to us while the other was doing their interview. They are both so awesome.
I was able to watch the Restoration movie for the first time! It was pretty dang good. If you want to watch it I would highly recommend it. Just find it in the gospel library under the Film section.
Had a banger exchange with Elder Raban. We had a good day. Put one of their friends on date for baptism. We had a service from 7pm to 9:40pm. It went way longer than we were planning on. . . It was so wild. It was fun though! All 4 Elders were there and we made it a blast! We did get back to the apartment pretty dang late though.
I made a really good Facebook story for the stake missionary Facebook page! I can share it here so you all have the pleasure of seeing it.
We caught a lizard that we found in our apartment. We named him Joseph Smith. We didn't have the means to take care of him anymore though, so we had to set him free. It was a tender moment. He will be better off in the wilderness of Texas!
I'm chillin! Enjoying the mission and have been seeing many miracles!
I love Jesus and I know he loves me!
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Kohl Payne