How is it already June?!

How is it already June?!

Why hello. We had another fantastic week. Just one great week after another.

Some Random thoughts:

We got a new car. We went from a Toyota Rav4 to a Chevy Equinox. Not sure if it is a downgrade or an upgrade yet, but it has been treating us well though. The Equinox is just really goofy looking.

During weekly planning we went to the gas station again and got more energy drinks. I told myself that I probably wouldn't but here we are. It will probably become a weekly thing.

I have been really wanting to buy legos. It's not ok. The temptation hits hard sometimes when we pass by the lego and hotwheel section of Walmart! Someday. .  
I've been looking through some old pictures of mine from before the mission. Just wow! The change, haha, I found a few good pictures of my brother and I. I have been really missing him this past week. We were such a duo! We did a few dance routines together at our cousins wedding and I was laughing at them. We have a few nice pictures together from just random times. My favorite one is when it was about 1am in DisneyWorld and we basically had the parks to ourselves. (We had a cool VIP pass or something I don't remember) When the night was ending we were strolling on down main street and taking pictures at every camera person possible. We were just goofin off and doing crazy photos. But nothing will compare to this one:

If you look to the right and see the lady she is looking at us and smiling. Then if you look to the left a guy is doing the same thing. Now in the back right I can't tell if that one girl is looking at us and smiling or not. But we were just being our normal selves. Jansen and I are such a goofy duo! I look forward to the day when we will have more lightsaber fights in the rain, make silly tiktok videos, and go on late night drives. It's gonna be sick!

Anyway, done with the reminiscing.

A song that has been stuck in my head this week has been the Five Nights at Freddy's song. It's been just chillin in the corner of my mind. Waiting for every possible moment to come to the center of the room.

I found out how to play it on the Ukulele :)

End of this week's session of Some Random Thoughts.

We had a really fun service project with a member that wasn't in our ward. We went with the Temple 2 missionaries and the member wasn't in their ward either. I guess he didn't want help from the sisters in his ward. It was fun though. We moved a ton of rock and dirt in wheelbarrows. It took us half the time that he thought. It was nice to get out and sweat for a service project and get a little dirty as well! He took us out to this really awesome place to eat. He said it was Greek food, but I'm not sure. (Dylan, you will have to come on over to Texas and test this place out.) It was some good good food though! We would go back in a heartbeat. We will plan on it for a P-day, but not today. We had a different adventure that Elder Giuffra and I partook in. But that is for next week.

The Spanish Sisters have a Chilean family in their branch. So they wanted to meet Elder Giuffra because he is from Chile. They invited us over for dinner and I have never felt more outta place in my life . . . Maybe I need to start learning some Spanish so I can fit in more.

ZONE CONFERENCE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooOOOOooOooOooooOOOoOooo Last Zone Conference with President and Sister Fox. It was quite a time to remember. Elder Giuffra and I were at the church for a long time. We had to let the AP's in at 8:30 to set up. We ended up doing most of the work for them, haha It was fun though. We then left the church around 3:30. My boy Elder G gave a fire training for the zone. Him and the other ZL were doing this training and he hyped us up! My favorite quote that he said was, "There is no such thing as a dead area, only dead missionaries." Then told us we needed to do better. In a loving way. Super well done.

Gave some final hugs to President and Sister Fox before they get sent home at the end of this month. He has been a solid mission president. I am excited to meet President and Sister Carter. They are going to do amazing things for this mission.

I'm running out of thoughts, so I'll end with how the work is going in Temple, Texas.

It is definitely going for sure. We have a lot of people we are teaching, just none that are really progressing the way that would be super ideal. But that's ok. The Lord will meet us where we are. We are pressing forward with faith and seeing miracles in our daily work efforts. It sure isn't easy but it is Dah Gum Awesome when we find someone who is ready and searching for that change in their life. It's pretty cool. I am getting a little tired of being in Temple, but I know I will miss it so much when I am gone.

I forgot to put where I am at in my Book of Mormon reading. I got to Omni. Not as far as I would have hoped to be at this point but I have so many things I am studying during personal study right now. It's good though. I will get there.

Feel free to email me.

Like I said before, I will read it, but it might take a minute to respond. Sorry.

Join the google photo collection to see all the fun things.

and yeah.

That's about it.

See ya. -Elder Kohl Payne

Me and Elder Miles
This one is for Conner McBride
Getting some Haunted Mansion Vibes
President and Sister Fox
My Zone