The Wizz Pig......

Happy Monday!
This week has actually been so wild! I almost don't feel like writing about it, but I will. May not be in much detail but I will.
Elder Giuffra and I keep seeing many mighty miracles and it is awesome! We had a friend completely stop
doing the things that are keeping him from being baptized and wants to shoot for the 5th of August. It is a big step so please pray for him. He needs strength and comfort. He is super cool and has a strong desire to push through the temptations of the world. It has been a super fast change for him so it is a struggle but he can do it! We got two referrals online, who actually are interested. One we put on date and started having lessons with her and her son. The other one we are meeting with tonight. It will be pretty dang awesome! A few friends were able to come to church, which was great. Until the one, we were sitting next to got up and walked out during the sacrament song. Elder Giuffra and I looked at each other gave a nod and got up to go see if he was alright. We had a pretty lengthy discussion in the hall of the Church. Due to this Elder Giuffra and I didn't partake of the sacrament. We called the Mission President and he said that we could do it in our apartment. So Elder Giuffra and I held a small short sacrament meeting at 8:30 pm on Sunday night. It was pretty chill!
We have 2 people on date for baptism right now. The one from above on August 5th. And then the referral with the son! It is pretty cool. Helping them prepare for that step is awesome to be a part of. Step by step and day by day I get to see them grow their personal relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.
This week I was able to spend a day up in Waco with Elder Hoffmann. Elder Giuffra and Elder Dummar (The zone leaders) went up to the most northern part of the mission. Which was about an hour from Waco. Elder Hoffmann and I had a wonderful day. BUT, The Wizz Pig. The last time I was up in Waco was with a different Elder when Elder Rice was still here. I think it was my first transfer. He hyped up this place called Wizzbangs so much. I forget why we didn't eat there, but I told him next time I am up in Waco I will go. Elder Hoffmann knew about this so we had to go. This is a warning to all. . . They have this burger called the WizzPig. It has bacon and it seems pretty good. Then basically animal-style fries from In N Out. So with this combo, oh boy. There is a layer of oil or something. It was an actual heart attack on a plate. I felt so horrible after. That feeling was the Wizz Pig himself fighting in my stomach for his life. And I wasn't going to let him win. He was stirring up conflict within me. The blood, sweat, and tears were all present in this fight with good vs evil. It seemed as if there was no hope. But alas I prevailed!
I got a sick hat from Waco as well. It was in the apartment up there so I took it.
I was writing a letter to my brother this week and I got the itch to go mountain biking so bad! Now I know I could go "Biking" but no. First, Texas has no mountains and second, it is hot. I'm not going to torture myself like that. haha If I happen to go mountain biking right now, it would be so terrible. I would go 5 minutes and probably want to go home! It just seems so fun right now.
We had Zone Conference this week! I love President and Sister Carter. They are two amazing people and have wonderful things to say. They fed us some really bangin food! It was like Taco/Nacho salad. Ah, It was amazing!
We went to Canes after District Council one day to celebrate Elder Raban's Birthday! I haven't been in a long while and it was amazing! They are doing some deal with Post Malone, and because of whatever deal they have, Posty has these limited edition cups! OOooOoooo AaaAAAAAaahhhHHHHhhHHHhhh Yes, I got one.
Not a super detailed email this week. Just have low energy and I got things to get done! I am at Mosiah 28 on my reading. I have started reading the New Testament as well. Chapter 15 of Matthew. Got so much to study and do!
- Elder Kohl Payne