The Mission Tour

Recently, for the past 5 weeks being in this new "tech" role, I have had the opportunity to travel around the mission training missionaries on how to use technology more effectively.
The training itself isn't something worth talking about here but it has been helping missionaries be more productive and focused on their online efforts to share the gospel of Jesus Christ on Facebook.
With this adventure, it has taken me back to past areas that I have been in and areas that I have never been in before and probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to see while serving here in Texas.
This past week we went to Waco, TX to visit the districts up there. What an adventure that was! As we were driving we were caught in a pretty nasty thunderstorm on the way there and while coming back which made the drive that much more exciting.
I thought I would share an experience that I take to be pretty profound as we were driving to Mexia [MA-Hey-uh] (Which is a little bit further than Waco).
Cruising in the car going 82mph, while the speed limit was 75. Yes, I am admitting to breaking the law, but what do you expect from me? (For those that know, know) Our car has a device on it that prohibits us from going too fast over the speed limit. So I was running it at the max.
"The rains came down and the floods came up" as we continued to drive. I got this distinct impression from the spirit that told me to slow down. I started to rationalize saying to myself, "I've been going this speed on cruise control for the past hour. Why slow down now?" I continued to fight against this thought for about 5 minutes.
I eventually gave in and tuned the cruise down to 70. After about 20 minutes I felt that it was safe to turn the speed back up.
Now I do not know what would have happened if I kept going the same speed or if anything would have happened. I just had confidence in listening to the spirit in this moment.
It wasn't a huge experience but it helped me realize the importance of listening to the spirit in the bad or good moments.
It (The Spirit) does a good job at that. We just gotta listen for it.
I was able to attend a baptismal service for a good friend of mine from my past area in Cedar Park, TX.
He made me change my thinking pretty significantly on how I view my interactions with people wanting to learn more about the Gospel.
I have been blessed with having the opportunity to help people change their lives and grow closer to Christ. Obviously, Christ is the one that will change their life but we can all be vessels for God to share that news with someone else.
This friend of mine has thanked me time and time again for the impact that I have had on his life and my heart is full of love and humbleness as I have been contemplating the words that I have mentioned before.
We never know the impact that we may have. But your decision to serve or not to serve can affect the lives of others. My decision to serve has been such a wonderful one as I have been able to witness people changing their lives and the joy that they experience is something insurmountable!
I think Doctrine & Covenants says it best;
"And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
"And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"
D&C 18:15-16
May we rejoice together and continue to labor and help others receive this same joy of the Gospel that we have been able to receive in our own lives.
With this baptismal service, I was able to see a lot of members of the congregation out in Cedar Park, TX. The importance of good relationships has never hit me harder than it did then.
My dad has always said that, "in the business world relationships matter." This goes way outside of just the business world though.
As I met with some of these members it was such an amazing experience to see them and to catch up on what has happened since I last saw them. The cool thing about making relationships with people is that they won't just last till the end of this life. But they will last until eternity!
(Thanks Dad)
I don't know if I have mentioned this in an update yet or not so here goes nothing.
My Sister, Sierra, has recently gotten engaged and will be married in September! Who woulda thought!? Haha I'm playing.
From what I know about Josh and Sierra, they seem very happy together and just mesh so well! My family loves him and my sister does too and that is all I need.
I'm excited for them and the huge step and chapter that this will be.
Making a covenant, such as a temple marriage/sealing, is something that will keep us safe in a world that is becoming pretty scary. As long as we uphold our part of the promise.
God is so good and is truly in your life. We just need to pay attention. :)
Life is moving on here in Pflugerville, TX. The weather is warming up quite a bit and the bugs are coming out.
Hopefully, it won't get too hot this year, but from the temperatures last year, that's probably unlikely.
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Payne
^^^Click this link to see more of my photos from my time here in Texas