Something Good

Something Good

I'm short on time today due to all the running around. But when are we not short on time or running around pretending to be doing something productive.

There aren't a lot of parks here in Bastrop to talk to people at. We have a park called Fisherman's Park, which is located on the Colorado River. (Not THE Colorado River but the Colorado River. Who would name a river in Central Texas the Colorado when we already have one? I'll have to look into the history) It has a nice path along the river but, as of just recently, it has been super hot so not many people are out and about. Not even the bugs want to be outside.

We have seen people floating down in kayaks! It reminds me of going down to Provo River back home in Utah. We would gather a few of our family members, grandparents, cousins, brothers, and sisters, then travel on down. Stay tuned. Elder Goodin and I may go down the Colorado one Pday.

Not to worry, about not to many people being out and about in parks, missionaries whom have been here prior to my time have found a place called, The Parking Lots. These parking lots consist of the lots for Lowes, 5 Below, Best Buy, Hobby Lobby, TJMAX, Old Navy and so much more.

It is a little bit surprising how people will just let you talk to them in a parking lot or while they are sitting in their car. As well, it is surprising how many people won't let you talk to them while in the parking lot or in their car. It is also surprising the amount of people whom have tried to run us over.

That last one hasn't happened and I would be very ok and grateful if it didn't.

A lot of the times the second lessons with people we meet at the parking lot don't tend to go through. Or maybe, I just don't have enough faith.

I have been thinking about, How can I help people progress? How can I help people keep their commitments? How can I help people catch the vision of the Gospel?

I really want to see people experience the JOY in their lives that will come from following the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it is a little selfish but these people's lives can change so much if they just choose to listen.

What I have started to see being helpful and successful is stating our purpose as missionaries as soon as possible. I tend to tell people that we are here to help them improve their relationship with God through specific steps. Such as, Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, The Gift of the Holy Ghost and Endure to the End.

It has been quite productive. I noticed, here in this area, it really helps us reap instead of just sowing. That's the goal. Isn't it? We as missionaries are supposed to help people come closer to Jesus Christ by inviting them to change.

Or as President Nelson has told us,

"I wonder, to whom will we be led when we plead to find those who are willing to let God prevail in their lives?"

(President Russell M. Nelson 'Let God Prevail' October 2020)

That is what I have been doing and God has been delivering. It has been an absolute blessing to show people what more God has for them as they follow the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There are people everywhere who are ready to "let God prevail in their lives".

We currently have 4 people who are preparing for baptism. I think part of that is due to the lovingly bold invitations that we have been extending as we state our purpose and help them realize that we aren't just here to help them feel the spirit in their life but that we are here to help them have The Holy Ghost with them all the time! Not just part of the time.

God does answer prayers and I couldn't be more grateful.

The other week when I couldn't write as much as I wanted to, this is what happened...

The Gonzales Elders came over to our apartment at 4 in the morning. We told them the night before to "make sure that you wake us up when you arrive." When they arrived, they did not wake us up. Elder Bloomfield was pretty tired from driving and decided to take a nap on our couch. And so did his companion. We eventually wake up and go to the farm to go fishin'. Upon arrival at the farm, Elder Bloomfield was telling us that he wasn't feeling the best. We told him to keep us updated on how he is feeling.

Long story short, about 5 hours later, we are on the side of the road for an hour and a half as he is bent over on the side of the road throwing up everything that he possibly could. Which was nothing. We eventually take him to an Urgent Care and he gets an IV. We think he was just really dehydrated. Which doesn't make all that much sense, because he has been drinking plenty of water.

Anywho... That took our preparation day. Good experience. He is fine now and has been kickin' it.

I don't have much else to say. There have been so many miracles that God has been allowing us to be able to see. It has been a blessing. This transfer has been a pretty interesting one. It has been challenging but everything will be ok in the long run. I have done a lot of counseling with God and lets just say things will get better.

The weather is still pretty warm. Hopefully, it will start to cool off pretty soon.

That's about it. See ya.

-Elder Payne