So it Begins
As the days go on, I grow more and more impatient. I want to go do the work. I was sharing this with Elder Payne, and he shared D & C 58:27. It says to be anxiously engaged in the work by your own free will. You get to choose to do the work. I have chosen to be here and do the work. I need to have more patience but be anxiously engaged in the work.
I think I am becoming a professional foosball player. We have some downtime here and there after study, so we have been filling it with foosball. It is fun, me and Elder Powell are always on a team, and we were going into the pro league, until the fateful day it all changed. We were playing just the other day and this other Elder was watching us play and decided to step in on the other team. Remember this name, Elder SOSA, that is definitely not how you spell it but close.
He was destroying us, it was sad our winning streak came to an abrupt end.
He became our Mister Miyagi, and he taught us the ways. While talking with him he told us that his dad used to play a lot and he grew up playing in a shed. His English was hard to understand but despite that, we grew to love him and his stories. He talked about being bullied because he was not the most athletic and would spend his time playing foosball. Pray for Elder SOSA we love him and with his guidance, we will become the best in the world.
We have talked a lot about Peter and I have come to love him. We focused on the story of when Christ came back from the dead and talked to Peter and asked 3 times do you love me.
I had my seminary teacher explain this story really well to me. He read the story in Hebrews and there are three different ways to say I love you.
The way Peter responds would translate more like I Love you Bro and the way Christ says I love you more means, I love you and trust you with all my heart. Way different.
If you read the story in Hebrews, Christ asks three times the first
- Peter do you Love me
- I Love you BRO/Dude
- no Peter you are not getting it, DO you Love me !!
*I love you, dude
The third time Christ asks he says, Peter your not understanding so I will come down to your understanding
- Peter do you Love me, bro
- You know I Love you
- Feed MY Sheep
You love me and trust me, so feed my sheep, and do my work, Cut down that Tree!!!
Peter ran into that Square just three days before and helped Christ carry the cross. We all need to have that faith, to run up in front of a crowd of people and carry that cross.
Yes, he went back to fishing. but we have talked about how a testimony alone will not be enough to carry you through these later days. People fall away from the church/go back to fishing because they only have a testimony. You need more than that.
Brothers and Sisters, you need to not just believe, but know what Christ did for you, so you can live. We need to walk in faith and trust the plan. Just because we did not get to do what we wanted does not mean we go back to our old ways. Understanding, and
trusting the Lord the way you put on a seatbelt.
We all get in a car and the first thing we do is put it on. The first thing we should do every morning is put on Christ, through prayer. You have full faith in the seatbelt to help you from getting hurt really bad. Christ is there, always there, not to stop you from getting hurt, but to make it more bearable.
- Nephi 4:34 O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm
I Love you all. Hope you are excited about the SUPER BOWL !!!! Yes I did hear about it even in the MTC
Elder Payne 2.0 lol