Sak pase
Wow y'all, sorry it has been a while. A lot has happened in these past weeks. As many of you know I have been struggling with finding the happiness in the work.
I had the opportunity to go to district council and our mission president was there. He wanted to talk to each one of us. I went into the room with President, opened my notebook, and started sharing my thoughts and feelings ( I am not used to doing that) but it was good to share. When I had concluded my remarks to President he looked me in the eyes paused for a couple of seconds and said, Elder Payne will you become a Haitian Creole speaking Elder?....... I was shocked, thoughts flooded my mind and I just asked if I could pray about it, he replied and said absolutely.
As I left the room, I felt my hands shaking and thought to myself, why do you want me to do that? I can barely do English missionary work and you want me to learn Creole???!!!!
I already have enough to worry about and now adding a new language to it is going to be a lot. But I decided well, why not. There is a reason President asked me to do it, so shortly the next morning, I called President and told him yes, I would love to go Creole speaking.
That night I was asked to speak in church the next morning. Now my dad has told me it can take weeks to write a good talk, and I had 12 hours to do it. I felt the talk went well, but the night before I sat in bed and looked at Elder Cook (my comp) and said hey Elder is this bad luck or what!!!
He replied Elder Payne, do you think it is a trial or is Christ putting you in a place to grow and blessing you for the hard work you have been putting in? I replied I feel I am being bullied right now, haha we laughed and headed to bed.
I am super excited to go bless the Haitian people and I know that Christ does not give us anything we can not handle. I know you have all heard that before but it is so true. Yes, he will give you things you can not handle on your own, but it is after the trial of our faith we see the blessings, the blessings always come!!!

I am acting in faith by trusting that the Lord is putting me right where I need to be to help others and forget about myself. I am not as great as I like to think, without Christ and his sacrifice I would be stuck!
So grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you all so much for all the support. I apologize if I have not emailed you back yet but I will !!
DON'T FORGET TO minister to others.
I invite all of you to go and invite some random person to come to church. Just one person and don't just read this and not do it. Come on now we are all missionaries helping to build the Kingdom !!
Renmen nou tout
(Love you all)
Elder Payne
Eldè Payne