Provo MTC (week one)
Guy's Jesus is so freaking amazing!! I can't even express how much love I have for Him. MTC life is so good and I've learned so much and feel so loved being here. The MTC is a beautiful place to be.
My classes are the same as before, just in person and not online. My district is so good and all have strong spirits inside of them. We have grown so close to each other this past week and I have really been able to call them my family.
Now to get into the stories. Oh where to even begin. Saying goodbye to my family wasn't too bad. Yes, there were tears but it was nice and quick. Got to the drop-off zone, got my bags, said final goodbye, and hugs then went right in. It was odd knowing that I wouldn't be seeing them for a while. The MTC does make you feel loved though.
I was the first in my room. (R4 121) Then the others in my district showed up. Elder Saline was the last to show up, 10 minutes before we had to be in the classroom. We met with the district, got to talk, and get to know each other more.
Others will say MTC food is just a little better than school lunch food, but it is honestly way better than that. Just don't eat the eggs, orange juice, or the weird meat. And you are set.
R4, the building I am in, is wild. Especially the 3rd floor. You don't want to go to the third floor. Thankfully I'm on the 1st floor with some of the best people as my neighbors. The third-floor stories are probably just what you would expect from a bunch of young adults, placed into a building to fend for themselves.
My roommates and I try to go to the gym when possible. The MTC makes it kinda hard. Just not a lot of time in the morning, and the same at night. With other workshops or devotionals going on. We go when we can. Play 4-square and basketball. I have met a lot of different people in the gym. It is nice to hear others' stories and where they are going and where they are from. Super fun to destroy them in 4-square as well ;)
Elder Saline and I like to make Monkey noises when walking to classes, or to meals. The district now says the monkey is our district mascot. AS IT SHOULD BE!! Monkeys are dope. We play ping pong and chess on different breaks we have. If I have learned anything from this, it's that chess is for smart people, so don't play it because you will probably lose.
The Spirit in the MTC is so strong. I am probably crying every single day. In class, doing studying, or during meetings. The spirit that my district brings is amazing. We are all able to share openly with each other and it is really nice. There are a few of us that cry all the time. Me, of course, (thanks dad), Sister Westover, Sister Hammer, And Elder Saline. All the Cry babies.
One day during afternoon class, Elder Williams and I forgot we had the daily reflection. Which is where we pick a topic to discuss really quick, then have the class ponder and reflect. Lucky for them I am a pro at working fast and finding a topic under pressure. I know, I know, I'm pretty freaking cool.π And you know how I know it went well? People were crying. Seriously, the spirit here is amazing and so strong.
Sunday was one of the best days here. Fast Sunday was amazing!! We met with our branch and had sacrament meeting. It was really nice to hear others share their testimony of the savior, and what their experience at the MTC has been. After church, we got together as a district and just talked about what we are struggling with. How amazing that conversation was. To hear we were struggling Β with some similar things was great. The love I have for my district is something I've never experienced before. They are just such good people and I know God loves them and knows who they are.
The whole MTC then had 2 hours of personal study, The Go and Do experience. It was wonderful. Just being in a quiet place being able to think and feel God's love for me and my family. I went in with a question that wasn't answered at all but had a calm feeling throughout the 2 hours knowing everything will be OK.
There was a Devotional with the MTC President and his wife, after we were asked to meet with the district to discuss. As the devotional ended, all the missionaries were walking to where they were going to meet with their district. One Elder slips on the ice and his head smacks on the ground. I was blessed with the opportunity, with other Elders, to give this Elder a blessing. (Wow is all I can say) You could definitely feel the power in that moment as we blessed this Elder. Don't stop crying yet though, that's just the beginning. After meeting as a district some of the sisters wanted some blessings. (I'm crying just thinking about it) The feeling in that room was something I wish everyone could experience. The words just came out of nowhere while giving those blessings. The Sisters told us that for everyone that was blessed, the words spoken were exactly what they needed to hear at that moment. Just amazing!! God is so awesome and loves us all.
Now for the goofy part of Sunday. The Roomies get back to the room, and we are gifted a Pig. (Pictures down below) Legend has it that when the pig gets passed down, to the chosen room of Elders, they will have bad dreams for the next three nights. The Pig has been here since the beginning of time. I don't know if I should be honored or scared.
That's not all though. The third floor . . . Something unspeakable happened in the third floor bathroom and word spread fast. As Elders were running around, Monday Night the Third floor had a trial to find out who done it. Now I won't go into details. It was the most I've laughed in a long time! We had The Wet Witch and The Bean Wizards. It was a wild night. They couldn't come to a conclusion, so the trial goes on. . . Update on the trial next week. Hopefully.
That's about it. See ya.
1Nephi 7:12 Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.
Friends and family, I know that God will do anything for us, if it be his will. But we first have to exercise faith. Take the first step into the dark, for when you do so I promise you each footstep in the darkness will lighten your path along the way.
-Elder Payne ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ146