Pray, Pray, Pray and Pray again

Wow, Ohio is weird. If you have heard anything weird about Ohio, I am here to tell you it is all true.
These past 2 weeks have been a struggle. If I am being completely transparent I always told myself the mission would be hard. Surprise, it is but not in the way I was expecting. For me, it is more emotionally hard to deal with all the stuff I have heard from our friends.

I am in Dayton for my first area and I have had 2 guns pointed at my head and I hear shots every day. Dayton is a pretty scary place. I am glad my father and grandfather have taught me to be aware of my surroundings, and when I should walk or ride away. Not as hard as you think to know when some guy walks out of a speedway with a AK on his shoulder. I don't want to be in this area….. yet! I am trying my best to stay positive and happy, it is harder than you would think.

I will be honest, I have had a lot of thoughts about coming home to where I know it is safe and comfortable. I am really trying to put my feelings and emotions aside and do what the Lord would have me do.

Fun fact of the day to put into perspective the kinda place Dayton is the human trafficking capital of the US !!! Crazy.
People here are super nice and are always so kind when they say no I have my own church. lol

We got to go to the Air Force Museum! Saw a lot of cool planes wow.

My comp Elder Cook is nice and has been out for 18 months, very grateful for him
and his example.

Everyone keeps telling me about the stuff they have learned and I feel I have already learned it so I am excited to find what I can learn. My testimony has grown and I have been praying a lot and I love it.

I am so grateful for all the support back home. I want you all to know I am trying my best and will continue to do so.

In our mission, there are areas we are not allowed to go to unless we have someone who has asked to meet with us. Well, guess where we went, the red zones called the Projects. The Projects are where a lot of the gangs are and where people get really hurt. That was a scary experience but we are all ok.

We are teaching Gil, he has been to church 57 times and has never been baptized. So we are helping him make that first covenant with God. I am super excited to see where it leads.

I am struggling with staying happy. I have noticed I don't feel particularly happy while I am sharing the gospel, which is weird.

I love you all and hope YOU understand God's intent is to BRING YOU HOME!
I know I am working towards going home to him by serving in Dayton Ohio even when I do not want to…….yet!

See what I am doing, trying to stay positive.

Pray Pray Pray

Elder Payne 2.0