Off to the Drop - P. Carter

A few weeks ago, Elder Allen and I joined our district at Pioneer Farms. Pioneer Farms is a "theme" park in Austin that has a few different historical houses from around the Austin area.
I'm not exactly sure what they do, but I know that they have people dress up like Pioneers and walk around. Something like that.
The reason we went was to help them move some heavy rock's. We went on a day when it wasn't open to the public so we would be able to get the work done that we needed to.
Like I mentioned we were lifting heavy rocks. Why? We were placing these rocks around a fenced in cage that previously had turkeys in it. Unfortunately, there were coyotes getting in by digging underneath and dare I say...gobbled them up...
It was a really good time. Took me back to a few summers ago when I would haul woodchips around my Grandpas property in the mountains. Hot day. Sweat dripping. And lifting more than I probably should.
We have been meeting with a man who made a request to meet with us and learn more about our church. There are a few things that I would like to mention about this individual.
When we first talked to him he said that he was seeing a lot of negative talk about our church online. So he wanted to actually talk to people from the church. Hence, why we are now talking to him!
He came to church and had a some questions. Afterwards we were able to meet with him and share what we call the Restoration. It took a minute to get into our teaching and discussion about the Restoration but when we did, it was really something special.
When we talked about the First Vision of Joseph Smith, as always, there was a strong presence of the Holy Spirit. We knew that he felt it, because we did. He is learning a lot and it has been amazing to be apart of his journey.
During these past weeks, Elder Allen and I have been visiting a lot of members to see if they have moved or what the deal is. We went to go visit a particular member and were confronted with someone who apparently wasn't the member we were looking for.
We had an interesting conversation where he was asking us if we knew Jesus. To which we responded, yes. He then asked if we had seen Him and that he has and could introduce us to Him.
Sounded very enticing...
We shared with this man part of our beliefs and how we knew that the Book of Mormon is true. We shared our stories of how we came to know the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and how we knew who Jesus Christ is. He respected our testimonies and said that he couldn't go against what we have felt by the spirit.
At the end of our conversation we asked if we could leave with a prayer. He agreed and offered to pray. He asked us if there was any healing or anything that we needed prayed for. I mentioned my hernia surgery and how it still hurt every now and again. He asked me where it was and I gestured to the general area. Elder Allen mentioned a person.
Then he starts to pray.
He started with Elder Allen by grabbing his shoulder and praying. He then moved over towards me. (Yes I had my eyes somewhat open) I was standing with my arms in front of me hanging down and holding my hands together. He reaches through my arms and places his hand right where I had gestured before. I didn't know what to do... I moved my arms out and then behind my back.
Needless to say, it was pretty awkward but once the prayer ended and Elder Allen and I got into the car we busted out laughing!!
A Sunday or two ago we joined the youth in the Sunday School class. (The youth of the Church are straight up the best) I don't even completely remember what was being said. One of the youth, we will call him Drake, rose his hand and was about to share a thought but then said never mind. A few minutes later Drake rose his hand again and said something that put some things into perspective for me.
For some context, we took Drake out with us for a lesson. We texted him and he said that he could come. The lesson didn't end up going through but we talked with him for a little bit and then parted ways.
So the next day, on Sunday, he shared the following experience.
Drake told us that the other day that he was in his room (now I don't want to put words in his mouth) and felt like a lot of bad, negative emotion was around him and he just wanted it to go away and didn't want to keep having those feelings. He said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to help take away these feelings and whatever else he was going through at the moment.
5 minutes later the missionaries texted him asking to come join them on a lesson. I don't know all of how this helped him but he shared that he knew that God was looking out for him.
When I look back at it, when we invited him to join us it was definitely an impression from the Lord.
Transfers were this past week. The dynamic duo of Elder Allen and I were split up. Another transfer together and we probably would have either,
- Figured out how to time travel
Or - Driven each other mad
(2nd option is more likely)
It is a little sad to not be together anymore and be out of the Heatherwilde Ward, but it was bound to happen eventually. We told our Bishop on Saturday that it was more than likely that I was leaving. Later he came up to me and asked if I could give a short testimony/talk on Sunday. For the very first time, in my service as a missionary, I spoke at church!
Bishop Rundquist asked me to take just 2-5 minutes and share about how the Heatherwilde area has made an impact on me. How it has changed me. It was a good idea by him because it made me reflect and think about all of the progress that I have made.
After the meeting ended, Brother Bob Watson came up to me, firmly shook my hand, and with a slight tear in his eyes said,
"You and your companion are some of the best missionaries this ward has ever had. And you will be missed."
I gave him a hug and thanked him.
A lot of the time we may never know the impact we can and will have on people. I was fortunate enough to see a few while in Heatherwilde, but also throughout my missionary service.
Well, where am I now?
President said to me a week before transfers,
With his eyebrows going up and down "I got a good idea of where to send you!"
Oh brother...
But, it all turned out to be ok!
I got sent south! Bastrop! President Carter calls it the "Drop." It has been an adventure and an absolute blast. It is weird not having a whole bunch of tech work to do. There is a lot of work to do down here and it is only going to get more and more busy.
The church building is a tad smaller than a "normal" building. And this area is HUGE! We are trying to find a way to be able to get to all the smaller towns that are within the area that have people in them that were found in town or that have made referrals to meet with us. It will be great.
Advice of the week: Listen to your parents.
It rained twice this past week. Rain. In the Texas Summer. In August. Shocker to say the least. Hopefully it will start cooling off pretty soon :)
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Payne