My Plan

In the past few weeks, I started an online missionary course titled 'My Plan'. My Plan is a 6 Week, dare I say, adjusting to "Home Life" course, in which you make a, get this, PLAN for when you arrive home and return from your full-time missionary service. Hence, why it is named 'My Plan'.
I wouldn't be mentioning this 6 week course if I didn't find some meaning or significance for it and, I'll be honest, I didn't think I would be mentioning it at all. Yet here we are.
I had low expectations for this planning course and good thing because it has exceeded those expectations! I went in knowing I needed some sort of plan for when I return home to Utah. So thank you My Plan for helping me accomplish that.
I thought it was going to be like one of those High School courses you just click through so that you can get it done. But boy, was I wrong! If I skip through and try to half-do it, I feel that I will be missing out on something important. The first course took me an hour to do and the second one 2 hours and counting. This course is really making me think about my future.
Pros: I'll actually have some sort of direction for my life
Cons: I don't like thinking far in advance. (I'll have to get used to it) and it takes so much time.
What I learned in the first course is something I think I have brought up in one of my letters before. It was focused on the power of remembrance. Remembering what God has done for me and the people that I have been able to be around. Whether that be missionaries, Friends, a brother or sister I met on the street, or a member that I served around.
The course was a great reminder to me of what I need to be focusing on. Let me share an experience with you:
About two weeks after Elder Greene and I became companions we had interviews with our mission president. Good ol' President Carter. The way the interview system works, you have about 15 "scheduled" minutes, which I would like to say rarely ever last just 15 minutes, to talk with President about anything. Something that is weighing you down, something you may be struggling with, joys and successes in the work, anything you want to mention to him. You or your companion go first and in our case we, I, decided that Elder Greene would be going first.
I wait patiently and talk with Sister Carter about life and what my plans are, I still don't know even with My Plan. Elder Greene and President are done and now it is my turn. I give President a big hug and we start chatting it up! He asks how he can help me and I tell him that I have been having a hard time finding joy in the work and getting back at the end of our day, looking back, knowing we got a lot done, following promptings, talking to people, but I wasn't feeling "accomplished."
He looks at me and starts to chuckle.
"I don't like the sound of that President!" As I start to nervously laugh alongside him.
"Oh, Elder Payne...Elder Greene was just telling me about a talk that you gave him to study."
"I did...? I think I've given him a few talks to listen to..."
We then go on to discuss a talk from Elder Eyring titled 'O Remember, Remember'
In this talk, a significant question is posed that I had invited Elder Greene to ponder,
“Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?”
Or if I rephrased it just a bit, How have I seen the hand of God reaching out to me, or my family today? The concept is the same.
It felt like I was getting a smack on the face! How could I be so silly? Here I am giving advice to my companion that also could have been helping me. Facepalm moment fr
So President encouraged me to listen to that talk again and see how I could apply it.
I found this talk about halfway through my mission and it's been a staple to me but I did not remember and slowly forgot.
Since I was reminded of this talk by President and doing the My Plan course this talk was mentioned once again, I was able to reflect and figure out How I am going to be able to remember.
Constantly throughout the Book of Mormon, we are given the admonition to Remember. By names, by experience, by testimony. Find something in your life that will help you remember Jesus Christ and know you can overcome whatever you may be facing. Or, if you are not "facing" any big challenge in your life still find a way to remember your Savior.
It has helped me be more hopeful and full of gratitude every day!
Excited about what else My Plan has in store for me and how I can use it to help others.
This past week three new people joined the fold of God. (Probably a lot more than that, but the three that I know of)
Jason, Harish, and Tiernan all made the decision to be baptized this past week! What a great way to start the new year! The baptismal services were full of joy and the Spirit. After Jason, JJ, was baptized, he asked if he could go back in!
I could talk about the covenant of baptism and the amazing step it is but I really gotta get this letter out.
I'll leave with these thoughts on baptism:
Jesus Christ, as He is speaking to the people in Ancient America, teaches about the importance of baptism and offers an amazing promise to those who choose that course.
"20 Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day.
21 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel, and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;
22 "Therefore, if ye do these things blessed are ye, for ye shall be lifted up at the last day."
3 Nephi 27
He describes it as a commandment and by keeping the commandments there are blessings! More than I could even try and mention.
Jesus Christ lays out His gospel, Faith, Repent, be Baptized, be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, and continue to endure or stand "spotless before [him] at the last day" which requires constant growth and change.
Then He promises us that we "shall be lifted up at the last day"
Wow. Not might. Shall be lifted up.
Baptism, by His proper authority, is an essential step in God's plan for each of us on this earth. If you haven't been baptized, do it. If you have and haven't taken some time to remember that commitment that you made, take some time now.
No matter what, God isn't disappointed in you. He will take whatever challenge we may be facing, whether we put ourselves in a situation or if it was the choices of others, and use them for our benefit.
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Payne