It's Tough Sometimes

I am not going to lie, it's been a little tough recently. Especially this past few weeks.
I love my assignment in the tech side of missionary work, as I have stated before, but oh boy, there is a different kind of joy that is found in, finding and teaching.
My assignment, as of right now, has been a blast and has been something I never thought I would be doing.
These past few weeks we have been focusing on making some really good videos for the Facebook page. I am grateful for this skill that I have been able to develop and I hope to use it throughout the rest of my life.
I would not have such a love for making videos and using online efforts to share the gospel if I was not in the position that I am in currently.
But, as I stated prior, there is a different, more rewarding type of joy that comes from focusing on the people that are right around us.
I have seen that as I have been here in Pflugerville, and past areas that I have had the pleasure to serve in.
It all comes down to, I feel as though I could be doing more for the people around me than I am currently doing.
Which is absolutely 100% true.
It has been difficult to focus on the needs of the people around us as we have been putting a greater focus and emphasis on the list of tasks that we need to get done with the tech assignment.
I may be using that as an excuse and put tech in front of the people and area which we are over, but to that point, there is a lot that we have to get done.
On the other had, It has definitely been an excuse. Let me explain.
A few months ago, Sister Carter, our mission presidents wife, gave a training about our strengths. In this training she detailed how we all have different abilities/strengths that help us effectively share the gospel and help fulfil our purpose and calling as missionaries.
With those strengths that make us unique in sharing the gospel, there is a flip side to them. Almost like a coin.
To each coin there are two sides. The front and the back, the back and the front, heads and tails, the face and the eagle, whatever it may be these coins have two sides.
We all have multiple coins and often we show the best side of them, our strengths. To each coin there is a weakness. The flipside. Often with these strengths they can hurt us at times.
I'll share a personal example.
I have often gotten this compliment from other missionaries or by word of mouth from others, "Elder Payne is really enthusiastic and just keeps going! I want to know how he is just so energized all the time!"
Now with this I do not mean to boast in myself. Because with this strength that I have been given it has a flipside. I am often not as patient as I should be and will even say something that could hurt someone else because I am so passionate about whatever the situation may be.
My companion had to call me out on this a month ago as we were talking and counseling on how we could improve.
At first, it hurt a little but he is right. I do loose my patience in situations when I may think something isn't going the way it should be.
Due to my companion, being as loving as he is, helping me recognize this I have been more aware of how I act in situations. It has been a really good learning experience for me.
That loss of patience comes from my enthusiastic, upbeat attitude and can be used against me.
That is what Satan wants. He wants us to use our strengths, as good as they are, to be used for evil. He will work in us to make it seem that we are doing what is important but really it isn't helping a lick.
So how does this relate to our area?
My companion and I have been blessed to be in this area due to our talents in social media. The flip side, we might focus more on that rather than what is really important.
To invite others to come unto Christ.
That is what I have been called to do. In this area I am assigned to tech but it has been getting the better of me and sometimes takes priority over the area.
To help combat this, I really want to more fully focus on the needs and desires of the individual people here in Pflugerville.
I have already seen miracles and I know there are more to come but I need to start working for them.
I want to experience that joy that I have felt before as I have, found, taught, and testified to the many children of God that are around me.
That's why its been tough recently. I haven't had as many opportunities to testify about Jesus Christ! The whole entire reason I am out here. But fear not, I have some goals and plans to help the work move forward in this part of the Lord's vineyard.
None the less with our craziness with tech, God has still been blessing us and helping us out. During second hour of church on Sunday, Elder Allen and I were in Sunday school with the youth, when we had one of the local leaders peek in the door, pointed at us, and then waved us to follow him.
Confused, Elder Allen and I get up and follow him out. Elder Allen was about to leave his bag but then I grabbed it right before and handed it to him.
We get into the hallway and see another one of the members in the ward. The local leader looks at us and says;
"We just had someone walk into the building and say that they were looking for a church. Are you ready?"
To which Elder Allen and I look at each other, nod, and reply;
"Oh yeahh."
We met this man and had a really good discussion with him. Explaining about our church and what makes us unique. Needless to say we will be meeting with him next week, he will be coming to church, and we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon to read!
Like I said, God is helping us out.
Transfers are coming up this week. That means all the responsibilities that we have are going to be pretty crazy for about a week.
It won't stop me from fulfilling my purpose though!
Transfers are this next week! We will be getting a whole big batch of new missionaries.
Elder Allen and I are going to be together for another 6 weeks! We get to hype up the mission to a greater level of Facebook work!
There are good things to come and I am excited.
The weather keeps getting hotter, although we have gotten a bit of rain the past few days due to the tropical storm or hurricane ,Beryl.
The work must go on.
^^Look at all these photos^^
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Payne