It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Do you remember my music list? So I haven't really been keeping up on it but this week I had one that I just had to add.
Elder 'Iloa has a lot of random music on his phone that we have been going through, trying to clear it up a bit. One song that came on just hit me.
Homeward Bound. If you haven't heard this song I would highly recommend to give it a listen. When my grandpa passed away my siblings, and a few cousins sung this song at his funeral. So when it came on it was one of those weird nostalgic feelings, but in a good way.
I have been so hyped on doing missionary work online. We found some good information on how to further the work using Facebook and the very limited tools that we as full-time missionaries have.
We did some filming this last week for an idea that we have. We interviewed a few missionaries and asked them some questions about their life. And OH BOY!! I am so excited! It looks super good!! The only annoying thing is that we don't have the right tools to edit very fast or in a quality way. . .
The other day our church computer in the clerks office crashed as we just tried to open a Google tab. Then just yesterday, it took us an hour to download a video that we just added the sound on to it and nothing else. AN HOUR!! But its ok. The Lord is going to magnify our efforts as we put in the work and try to do the best that we can!
For some of the videos that I want to make it requires WAY more talent than I have so, I am going to be able to work with some other missionaries and friends to help put together some quality content! I am so hyped!
We have been so blessed while trying to execute all of our ideas. We have had a lot of ups and downs, emotionally and spiritually. Trying to work with what we have is kinda difficult. But like I said before the Lord will magnify our effort.
Sometimes we don't know how we are going to get the right lighting or something super silly like that, but it has all worked out for good.
I was able to go on and exchange with Elder Stevens this week! Yes, good ol' Elder Stevens from Temple! We had a really good time with each other. It was nice to catch up and see how to help each other out. We had dinner with a newly married couple and they told us their stories of joining the church. It is so cool how much God is actively involved in our lives even more than we will ever know. I know that God is looking out for every single one of us. I don't know how he does it but he does.
We have stopped playing Uno every night and instead we have been playing this game called The Crew or Happy little dinosaurs. We played over 100 games of Uno in the first 2 weeks of the transfer. That is kinda crazy if you think about it!
We put our friend Abraham on date this past week. Well he kinda did it himself. Please pray for him, that he will continue to be ready to be baptized and receive all those blessings!
If you see any cool videos that would be super to make, please send them to me. I am not a very creative person so I need all the inspiration that I can get! hahaha
Love you!
More photos:
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Payne