As to not get confused, there is Elder Payne (Kohl) and Elder Payne 2.0 (me) I hope to be just as good a missionary as Elder Payne.
This week has been hard for me, it has been challenging to stay positive. I was struggling for a while there but I had the opportunity to do some studying with the other ELDER PAYNE and he had me read Alma 17
Go read it 10/10
It changed my mindset and helped me be more in tune with the spirit, which helped me be happier.
We had a little incident with President Markied and we talked a lot about mindset. I talked to my father and the fam a lot about it, my dad shared that during a long bike race, we are not looking to the finish that is 77 miles away, we think about the next water stop.
The MTC has been hard, but I am working on getting to that next water stop, so to speak. While we were all on the phone today I found Jesus. There was a little Jesus in the air vent right above me and so I started wandering and looking for more and as I looked up in the light, there was this note.
On it is said Elder Conger Ether 12:27, it was just what I needed to read. It really helped, so shout out to Elder Conger.
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Having Elder Payne also serving at the same time is so nice. He is helping me so much to understand my emotions, what God says, and how I can be better. Thank you, Edler Payne
Oh, I almost forgot I am trying to write this right before bed so I am rushing through it. But we had our first temple trip, it was awesome. I did confirmations for the first time and it was so cool. We have two other opportunities to go to the temple before I read to Ohio.
Never forget God loves you and is always on the other side of the door.
Elder J Payne