Gone Fishin
Don't have much time today due to some unfortunate events that I will be able to speak more about it in the future. (Hopefully next email)
We have had a blessed opportunity to go fishing the past two preparation days. One of our members has a big ranch with a few ponds full of fish. Elder Jenkins, a missionary whom I live with, is probably one of the most redneck people I know. So of course he knows how to fish. He has taught me everything I know!
I'm pretty sure this was my first time ever going REAL fishing! I guess I had beginner's luck. Caught 5 of those bad-boy bass. I attribute my luck to the following:
- My Bass Pro Hat that was left in the apartment by Elder Iloa
- Elder Jenkins coaching me with all his wisdom and knowledge
It was fun! (Pictures to come)
But yes. The work moves on. There will be more information to come next week about how it has been progressing here in Bastrop, TX.
I have been studying a lot in detail with my Book of Mormon study and it has been amazing. The Spirit has impressed upon me so many special experiences as I have been studying.
So go read the Book of Mormon and also this talk from General Conference in April: It is Wisdom in the Lord That We Should Have the Book of Mormon
Look at the photos:
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Payne