General Conference

What a great week! Let's start off with conference, shall we? I don't think I have ever paid more attention to General Conference than I have these past two days. I can promise you that if you go in with questions they will be answered. If you didn't get a chance to watch it live, I HIGHLY recommend going through them, listening, pondering, taking notes, and receiving revelation. Some of my favorites from these past two days were: Elder Gary E. Stevenson's talk. He started off conference really strong! He talked about the importance of the Savior and the Easter season. Not just Easter itself, but the Easter season as a whole. Elder Randall K. Bennett and Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita also had really good talks on the power of Patriarchal Blessings. Elder Dallin H. Oaks had a really good talk as well. He made sure people know that "We Believe in Christ!". Go give it a listen! All the talks from General Conference, go give them a listen. Please. They will change you.
I have gotten into this bad habit. Now this bad habit isn't really my fault but it also consists of my lack thereof for, hand-eye coordination. I think every P-day I have had here in the field, I have gotten hit in the eye. Usually the left one. Now I thought I was pretty alright with my hand-eye coordination. I caught a football once or twice in my childhood years so you think it should carry over into my young adult years. Apparently not. Honestly, I am surprised that I haven't gone blind yet. The Items that have got me in the eye consist of a Basketball, Football, Soccer Ball, and Tie. Now keep in mind, some of these items were more than once. It's ok though. I am still able to fulfill my duty as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
This isn't really that important but thanks to my MTC friend, I was able to find a baller way to mark my scriptures! I have a hard copy of the Book of Mormon that will be my proselyting copy. In this copy, I am marking scriptures in relation to the lessons in Preach My Gospel, amongst other things. I made a key to what the markings mean and it's looking pretty cool!
My Mother sent me a German-to-English Book of Mormon. Each Verse is side by side. This book is pretty dang big. Is my German good enough to read this book? OH, definitely not! But I keep grinding on Duolingo and haven't lost my streak again. The Duolingo owl spared my life once but it doesn't mean that he will give me a second chance. Pray for me. . . Seriously though, this book is awesome! I have also been reading the Children's copy of the Book of Mormon. Ya know, the one with pictures? In the Gospel Library app, you can change the language so I change it to German and try to understand. Now you might be wondering, (and I think I've said this before) "Kohl, you are in Texas, and English speaking, why are you studying German?" And to that I say, I really don't know. Why not?
Elder Williams is gone and we got a new Elder in the apartment. The entire mood of the apartment has changed! Elder Stevens is pretty cool! He plays the Guitar. (Not the broken 4 string one) And He is really good. We know a lot of the same songs and get along pretty well. We did, however, wrestle last night. Sunday night wrestling match. I really don't know how we did it in such a small area with a hard floor, but it was super fun! I did eventually say "Uncle". I am not proud, and in fact very disappointed in myself but I was tired! I did put up a really good fight though. I wasn't going to give it to him that easily.
We are planning for Carnell's baptism!! WOOOOO I am so excited! I had basically been with him since the beginning. Elder Rice found him a little bit before I entered the mission field. Elder Rice and I have taught him together and to see the change and determination in him has been awesome!! We watched the Saturday Morning session with him and the Bryans (Members of the ward). The Bryans are awesome!! It was an amazing experience with conference this year. Carnell's baptism is going to be awesome and I can not wait to tell y'all all about it. It will be on the 8th. So THIS SATURDAY!! WOO JESUS IS SO GOOD
I'm going to end this email today with my testimony: This Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the restored church. I know this is the restored Gospel, on the earth today. Restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Nothing is more true than this church and its teachings. The power that God can and will give us if we choose to follow Him is unbelievable! I have only seen a small percentage of his power to change people's lives. I know that as you keep your focus on the Savior, Jesus Christ you will be blessed. You will be! Hold on to the Rod of Iron as you make your way to the Tree of Life which 1 Nephi 8 talks about. DO NOT wander away. And if you have, do not worry, just like in Matthew 14:25-31, Jesus has his hand extended to YOU. I know that Heavenly Father knows you, and he loves you. He sent His son so that we don't have to walk alone and that when you do step out of the boat with that faith and start sinking, Jesus Christ will pick you right back up. In the holy name of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Last week's Book of Mormon reading:1 Nephi 1-10
That's about it. See ya.
Elder Kohl Payne