Cut The Tree Down

Sometimes I wonder why we are put in companionships. Don't read into that a lot. I understand the need for companionships. Sometimes it makes teaching a little more difficult or easier!
Take this for example. When I was in Bastrop we would talk to everyone possible in the mega parking lot we would sometimes split up, still within sight and sound of each other but in order to reach more people, or something like that. So you were able to connect and talk to people just one on one then set up a time to teach, obviously with your companion. So our street approaches in Bastrop were very individualized due to you being able to follow through with whatever approach you decided to do.
I was reminded about the power of companionships this past week during a lesson with one of our friends. I absolutely love my companion, Elder Greene, and think he is an amazing teacher. But I don't think he realizes how good he really is! This sometimes leads me to fill in on what is next within our teaching. Now I've been starting to shut up and just let Elder Greene cook. (Let him do his thing.) If he struggles, even better. Better to learn now than later.
This last week we had a lesson, which we didn't really prepare for at all. Elder Greene and I talked about what our friend was struggling with and decided we wanted to focus on Jesus Christ's Atonement. That was about it. Obviously, the conversation went all over but for the most part, it was pretty good and we got to know more about our friend. During the conversation/lesson, I started dominating the conversation. Elder Greene then spoke and bore testimony as he was speaking and oh boy, wow, the spirit was strong. So at that moment, I told myself that I really needed to shut up and let Elder Greene bare powerful truth to our friend.
So as the lesson went on I really tried to just let Elder Greene go with whatever. What was a little funny was that he kept looking at me, and I just smiled and stared at him. I didn't stop talking completely but I noticed something with our friend. As Elder Greene spoke I could feel the spirit pretty strongly. Which in turn means our friend felt it and was invested in what Elder Greene was saying because the spirit was teaching him rather than anything Elder Greene or I would say.
I don't know exactly why but I could feel, in a way, that Elder Greene needed to be here to teach this particular friend. Many other people but this friend needed to hear Elder Greene's voice and testimony. I expressed this to Elder Greene in a not so straightforward way due to a few reasons but here is our conversation as we were driving back from the church to our apartment.
"Hmm, I don't really know what we can do for Alberto. Any thoughts Elder?"
"I think you need to teach more when we are with him."
That was pretty much the extent of it. Talked a little bit about how I feel that our friend was really connected to what Elder Greene was saying because of the spirit that was present.
Humbled me a bit. Can't do this alone and Elder Greene has been a huge part in helping me realize that. (Thank you God for putting him here) Elder Greene also reminds me a lot of my younger brother.
Sometimes you won't be the best person in the room haha Missionaries, rely more on your companion and let them grow, and let yourself grow in the process. Thankful for companions.
For those of you who don't know, my brother, Jansen started his mission just this week! He will be heading to Ohio in about 3 weeks. He will leave on February 5th and I will come home on February 6th. A little devastating but as the song goes,
"We have been born, as Nephi of old,
To goodly parents who love the Lord.
We have been taught, and we understand,
That we must do as the Lord commands."
I have such a strong testimony of this principle. Even for something as small as missing my brother by a day. Everything will work out and be ok for those who trust God and follow His command.
Thank goodness for modern technology! It's not like I won't communicate with him. We were able to have a chat today and had a fun study together. He gave a talk at church and a lot of my buddies, who recently returned from their missions were able to attend. He outlined a principle in there that I wanted to underline in my letter today. Here are his words:
"My grandfather has taught me to just get the work done. During the summer I worked with my pop pop, with the side benefit that he would allow me to drive his extra vehicle. The work was never easy but I remember one day very well. We were cutting down trees in his yard and I asked why we had to get rid of this tree he looked at me and replied “Uh, I don’t know, but grandma told me to do it, she said it was ruining her view from the living room.” I laughed and then together we got the work done with only a few minor injuries.
As I think back on this moment, I realize God does the same thing with each of us. There is a tree I need you to cut (a work for us to do). You may ask Him but why? Why must I serve a mission? Why must I serve in nursery? Why must I minister to this individual? Or go to the temple so often? That’s because it is the Lord’s will and our Savior knows better the work that needs to be done and it is HIS work and not ours, not mine. So like many of you who so willingly serve others, I will go and serve others. Your examples are not lost on the younger generation, but they are seen, noted, and emulated. The side benefit to service is that often it is not just those we serve who are blessed, but the Lord knows it will build our faith, and increase our trust, confidence, and abilities. The Lord, who seeks to bless us, knows that serving others is the path towards those blessings."
We need to do as God asks. His will is better and greater than we will ever fully understand and know. We may catch glimpses of His will, in this life, as we listen to a Prophet's voice, actively study the scriptures, and constantly seek out His will through prayer.
There will be trees, from time to time, that will "ruin our view from the living room" and God will ask us to prune them up or cut them down. We may not see the full view completely but when that tree is down or pruned, we will sit in our living room looking at a more beautiful view than we ever thought were possible.
Maybe me missing my brother by one day is one of those trees. I may not know why it needs to happen, but it will happen and the view from my living room will be better because of it.
The weather has been chilly recently with some cold rain. Preparing me for the chilly weather back in Utah.
Look at all these fun photos and videos:
That's about it. See ya.
- Elder Payne